Archives for the month of: July, 2016

Went back to the doctor yesterday because the steroids weren’t working. I was feeling worse! He said my bloods were all clear of auto immune disease and he changed my medication.  Today I feel like a new person! I slept all night – having slept less than an hour the night before – and woke up pain free!!! Yay!! 

The doctor made me take today off work so I could rest and get used to the new meds cos they can make you drowsy. But so far so good. I also went and had a pressure point massage at Paradise Massage.  I swear I crossed the pleasure/pain barrier 300 times in that hour!! But I feel amazing now and hopefully that has helped move some of the swelling along! I’m going to be bruised tomorrow though hehe. 

The Gold Coast has also thrown up a gorgeous day! I have spent a couple of hours in the sun getting some sun therapy and it’s amazing what a difference that can make! Hopefully everything feels the same again tomorrow and I’m on the road to feeling normal again!


About this time 2 years ago, my body went into some kind of melt down and I started swelling in all my joints and put on a lot of weight very quickly.  It seems that this is happening again.

It started in my hands a couple of weeks ago and has now moved through all the rest of my joints. They are swollen, sore and uncomfortable.  I was doing ok until late last week when pain started setting in to my hands and feet. Burning, itching, stabbing pains all seemed to hit over the course of a day. My landlady straight away said rheumatoid arthritis and I said I had been tested for that and found negative – twice now.  But the pain moved to my hips, neck and elbows, so I went to the doctor today.  He barely looked at me and asked if anyone had mentioned rheumatoid arthritis to me before. I went off for a blood test, got a prescription for some steroids, and I have to go back and see him next week.

It’s a strange feeling when your body does things you don’t want it to do! My elbow is causing me the most discomfort tonight and I expect I won’t sleep all that well again. But I am going back to work tomorrow. I find keeping moving seems to help a little bit but I’ll just have to manage how much I do tomorrow.  I had hoped that being here would keep things like this away! Maybe I need to move further north up the country to where it’s warmer all the time? Hehe


Today I had another push to take my writing to the next level.  Apparently it’s not always awesome just reading about my boring day to day life 😂. I’m supposed to do something creative with my writing skills!

So I took a baby step and signed up for a free online creative writing course. It’s just a few emails over a few days with ideas on how to get started and get creating and to build an ideas journal (I see a trip to Kikki K in my future) that I can start writing short stories from and then maybe more.  There is a paid online course for fiction writing so that is always an option if I find myself really enjoying the writing process again!  It has been many years since I have put my mind to fiction and I still feel that I may not have enough life experience to really create something awesome but I’m going to give it a go!

So stay tuned for my future attempts at short story writing. You can be my critics hehe.


Hi friends! It’s been a while hehe. Work has been busy and when I’m not there or travelling there, I’m pretty much sleeping at the moment!  I have a blissful 4 days off coming up this weekend so hopefully that will recharge my batteries and I will be ready for more busyness!

The interesting news is that my all over body swelling has returned. My hands, feet, ankles, knees are all huge!! I’m going to head out to see my doctor next week and see what this one thinks it might be.

My budget is going ok so far! I’m pretty bad at loading it up with new things but I’m trying really hard not to! I think once I get through the next 2 months, things will be a bit easier. It’s tax return time so that’s always exciting hehe.

This weekend will see a return to the gym!! I have some early finishes that will let me sneak in a workout and still be able to get home. I’m also making a special trip in for yoga classes on Saturday and Monday. I feel like I need them!!

Dry July is going well so far! Though I have to admit to wanting a few glasses of wine over the weekend just gone. But every time I want wine I am having a glass of water so at least my water intake is up!!! 

Well I have the rest of my day off to enjoy so I’m out!! Have an excellent week!!! Xx