About this time 2 years ago, my body went into some kind of melt down and I started swelling in all my joints and put on a lot of weight very quickly.  It seems that this is happening again.

It started in my hands a couple of weeks ago and has now moved through all the rest of my joints. They are swollen, sore and uncomfortable.  I was doing ok until late last week when pain started setting in to my hands and feet. Burning, itching, stabbing pains all seemed to hit over the course of a day. My landlady straight away said rheumatoid arthritis and I said I had been tested for that and found negative – twice now.  But the pain moved to my hips, neck and elbows, so I went to the doctor today.  He barely looked at me and asked if anyone had mentioned rheumatoid arthritis to me before. I went off for a blood test, got a prescription for some steroids, and I have to go back and see him next week.

It’s a strange feeling when your body does things you don’t want it to do! My elbow is causing me the most discomfort tonight and I expect I won’t sleep all that well again. But I am going back to work tomorrow. I find keeping moving seems to help a little bit but I’ll just have to manage how much I do tomorrow.  I had hoped that being here would keep things like this away! Maybe I need to move further north up the country to where it’s warmer all the time? Hehe
