Archives for the month of: December, 2015

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 8,600 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

So it appears I am a bit stressed out! I am normally at my best at Christmas time! I love the busy and bustle and fun of it all. And this year was extra special because I was with family! 

But today I looked at my roster for next week and it’s empty.  I knew it was coming, and I know that the whole store is in the same boat but what a wake up call. I go home in a month for a wedding. I’m not going to have any money to take with me. My bills haven’t gone away either lol. 

I know I need to just stop freaking out and not think about what it was like when I had no work last time. It’s now time to be proactive! I have dusted off my cv and updated it with my Australian contacts so now it’s time to get it out there again!!

I love my job and it sucks so much that there just isn’t work for me or the other casuals at the moment. But on we must go! C’mon full time job, come get me!! Hehe 


It had been a while since I checked in on the scales as I have been super busy lately and it’s priority was not high, so today I bit the bullet weighed myself.  90kg!! Second mini goal hit!  Of course I celebrated with biscuits and Coke… 

I had an abdominal ultrasound yesyerday. I have been getting regular pain where my gallbladder used to be… Again. The dr and I thought we had it sorted as I had pulled some muscles in my back and that seemed to be causing pain to radiate around to my abdomen. After 3 days of rest and 5 days of painkillers I felt much better. But only a few days later I was in pain again. I have given up my every day coffee drinking habit again and that seems to be helping but it’s such a good feeling to have someone looking further into what might be causing this constant pain. I see my dr next week for the results.

Things at work are busy with Christmas only being a few days away now.  I have spent most of this week working on the floor.  I’m out of practice I learned very quickly hehe. But I’m really enjoying it.  A big smile and the ability to laugh at myself seems to be helping me along! I have 9 hours later today (yes I should be sleeping instead of blogging) and then another shift on Saturday.  Next week brings in the long days but I managed to miss out on having to work until midnight 😁 so far at least… 

Yesterday was Daisy’s 3rd birthday.  I bought her lots of treats, we went for a walk in the rain, and had heaps of cuddles.  I love that dog so much.  And she has helped me through so much! So here are a couple of puppy pictures for you to look at while I try and get back to sleep…

yum treats!


I’m pretty sure I have mentioned this before but I am not a fan of 3am. It really is the dead of the night.  There is no movement anywhere else (though Daisy just sighed at me and rolled over), no birdsong, no sun starting to peep into my room.  Just a silence that my stupid awake head thinks it can try and fill with crap thoughts and the remember when game.  Awake + 3am = stupid! 

So to distract myself from the crap trying to sneak in, here is a rundown on what I have been up to! And it really isn’t much hehe.  I went to work on Monday and by the end of the day was not feeling comfortable. The pains in my stomach had returned. I took Tuesday off work and went to the doctor who then put me off on Wednesday too.  He suspects I have either pulled muscles in my back and the pain is radiating to the front, my liver is playing up, or I’m getting gall stone crystals again.  I have had more blood tests and am on some lovely painkillers for a few days.  They seem to be doing their job so yay hehe.

I had my first day back at work yesterday and started ok. By the end of my 6 hours I was getting a bit sore though. I’m not rostered on this weekend so unless I get called in it will be nice to relax for a couple more days.  I went for a hot stone & oil massage after work yesterday. It was amazing.  I feel very bruised today though!! She really worked my back muscles! 

Daisy just sighed at me again. I think she wants me to put my phone away hehe. I might try for a little more sleep anyway…
