Archives for posts with tag: busy

Hi friends! It’s been a while hehe. Work has been busy and when I’m not there or travelling there, I’m pretty much sleeping at the moment!  I have a blissful 4 days off coming up this weekend so hopefully that will recharge my batteries and I will be ready for more busyness!

The interesting news is that my all over body swelling has returned. My hands, feet, ankles, knees are all huge!! I’m going to head out to see my doctor next week and see what this one thinks it might be.

My budget is going ok so far! I’m pretty bad at loading it up with new things but I’m trying really hard not to! I think once I get through the next 2 months, things will be a bit easier. It’s tax return time so that’s always exciting hehe.

This weekend will see a return to the gym!! I have some early finishes that will let me sneak in a workout and still be able to get home. I’m also making a special trip in for yoga classes on Saturday and Monday. I feel like I need them!!

Dry July is going well so far! Though I have to admit to wanting a few glasses of wine over the weekend just gone. But every time I want wine I am having a glass of water so at least my water intake is up!!! 

Well I have the rest of my day off to enjoy so I’m out!! Have an excellent week!!! Xx

It’s been ages!! I have been a very busy beaver and actually sleeping most nights instead of blogging! Useless!

Daisy and I are all settled in to our new house now. It’s fair to say we both love it here. Daisy loves having play mates and being spoiled by my landlady, and I love having my own space and someone new to talk to!  I do not love the public transport to my house – especially the lack of it!! But otherwise everything is perfect. And a small 4K walk to the train station every now and then never hurt me… In fact it helped me lose another 3kg and earned me my 18kg Fitbit badge! I can’t believe I have lost 18kg since I moved to the Gold Coast. I have been here a year next week! Crazy!

Work is awesome and I love being there. Things are slowly sorting themselves out and I’m hoping to have more regular hours very soon. I have a few early starts that require that 4K walk in the morning but I can live with that!  I also have some very awesome friends that help me get home home at night (thanks Adrian!!!!) so I don’t have to walk in the dark.  

I’m loving the Autumn weather and while it’s a bit fresh, I haven’t started to really feel the cold yet. We had a really cold night last week – down to 9 degrees…. So I know I’m adjusting to the GC weather ways 😂😂

Anyway I had better head off to sleep so I can enjoy my day off tomorrow and not be tired all day!  Here are a couple of pictures of my new place!! I’m so lucky!! 

Ugh. Motivation has left the building, impending doom is fighting to get in, insomnia thinks it’s allowed to rule the night and what’s the point has settled in my chest.  And that’s the shit thing about depression.  It just keeps coming back!!

Physically I’m good. I’m still sitting on 88kg and have just started to be more proactive about lowering my cholesterol.  I read an article that said if there is a history of heart conditions in your family then your cholesterol should be kept to 4… Mine was 7.2 at last read. That was a nice wake up call!! I am still swimming (when I can fight the lack of motivation) and walking Daisy dog. We have been back to the park a couple of times and she loves the run around! I need to get up early though to take her in the mornings because it gets too hot too quickly at the moment… And of course that’s when my brain finally lets me sleep. Go figure.

Mentally I’m back on the hamster wheel.  I do try to fight it and am using my colouring books and meditation tapes to try and break this current cycle.  The battle I keep losing is filling my time with things other than thoughts.  Work is down to barely 2 days a week – and I’m one of the lucky casuals.  Most of my friends are down to 1 shift a week.  But that leaves me with an awful lot of down time. And I’m always better at life when I am kept busy.

It would probably be different if I had the money and the means to get out and see some more of the Gold Coast. I’m itching to get a good look around and find some of the hidden gems people tell me about. But no money means no travelling.  I have to keep money available on my travel card in case I get a call to work, and I can’t take Daisy on any public transport so if I want to play with her it has to be close to home.  That’s where my friend “what’s the point” kicks in. I stay in bed because “what’s the point of getting up when there is nothing to do”.  You can see the hamster wheel turning already.

I had an interview today for a new store going in to Pacific Fair.  I really wanted to be present and engaged with the process but I’m not sure I achieved that.  I felt fine coming out of the interview but that impending doom state of mind keeps engaging with the what’s the point state of mind and now I’m expecting to fail. Seriously, how does my brain make it to end of a day in one piece?! Oh wait… The insomnia.  I forgot about that.  No wonder I’m so tired. I would have thought my poor brain would love to fall into sleep at the end of each day but instead it sits there and reviews everything it has thought during the day, or pulls up something I haven’t though about for months to chew on! It really isn’t fair.  I love sleep! Hehe

So life feels like a struggle again at the moment.  But I’m working on it.  And if it’s back to having to celebrate making it out of bed every day then I’m all aboard that party train. Small steps to happiness again!! 

did you ever have one of those days that started out a bit crap but got really awesome by the end of it? I had one today.

I slept in. I really didn’t fancy getting out of bed today. I knew I needed to get up early because I needed to walk the dog for her morning toilet before going to work. I got up with only 45 minutes to spare. Luckily I am very good at running late yet still being on time! Daisy even got her toilet walk hehe.

I wasn’t really in the mood for work when I got there, this cold is like a 6 day hangover – I’m so very bored with it! Grr! But I put my head down and managed to complete the bulk of my to do list! The morning raced by!

After lunch I went down to our Revlon counter and received a makeover from one of the visiting artists.  She did such an amazing job! I was blown away. She based the eye colour on my hair colour and the result was stunning! I will add a couple of photos shortly.  We are also running a beauty week at Farmers next week so get in store, if you are near one, for free things and advice from those that know what they are doing! I ended up buying the eyeshadow that the makeup artist used on me today so that my amazing flatmate Holly could use it to help me look alive for the wedding tomorrow

After work I took a friend to pick up a desk from my house. As reward for the free desk, I got fed dinner! It was so yummy and so nice to sit in other peoples company.  I have to make sure I do that more often once Ian is gone.  I can imagine myself getting stuck in my room and not being social, but that is not who I am. It’s time to fly, butterfly!

Well I had better get some beauty sleep before tomorrow.  I’m hoping for a miracle cold cure to fly into my nose overnight so I wake up healthy… What do you reckon my chances are?! Hehe
