Archives for the month of: May, 2013


What a week!!! Work is in mad panic setting up for the next phase of the year so I am working some long hours. On top of that I have to remember about puppy!! I can’t really just leave her at home for 12 hours like I can with the cats. It’s great really because it means that I start looking after myself and not doing too many crazy hours!

I took Daisy for a walk when I got home and we ended up walking for nearly an hour. She had spent most of the day inside on her own in her pen so was full of energy. She has only just started to settle down now… 2 hours after getting home from walk!

It’s funny how my love of ducks has passed on to her. The fluffy duck she has in the photo she dug out of the toy box. More of my rubber duck collection has become her rubber duck toys! I love that she knows what duck is before she has learned what ball is hehe.

I am still managing to wear a beautiful fragrance every day. Currently I am making the most of my new Daisy eau so fresh special edition – I love it!

I have been trying to stick to my meal plan but today was a big fail. Long hour days make for huge chocolate cravings! I have cut caffeine out of my diet again so can’t have a coffee or energy drink to keep me going so I tend to turn to sugar. Chocolate is my favourite way to eat lots of sugar!! Hopefully my 22,000+ steps for today has burned off some of the three chocolate bars that fell down my throat by accident today hehe.

Well I had better head off to bed as I have another 6am start tomorrow. Roll on Friday for a sleep in!!


Today was the best work day I have had in ages!!  I had no expectations for today and I knew what I had to get done because I had my day planned already.  I enjoying working and catching up with people I haven’t seen since I went on holiday.  And I sang.  The store radio had a good song day for a change hehe and I was singing along to just about everything! I even had comments on how much energy I seemed to have and how happy I looked!  Something is working 🙂

I spent an hour playing with Ian and Daisy before going to work this morning. That probably helped get me in a good place because spending time with Ian and Daisy definitely comes under things I love to do!  I have late starts for the rest of the week so I think I will try and get that hour in with Daisy, at least, before work instead of staying in bed.

Today’s fragrance was Juicy Couture La La.  I love Juicy.  I had never really tried it until I managed to drop a set during a stocktake one day and ended up wearing half a bottle of fragrance on my trousers.  Lucky I ended up liking the fragrance!!

Well in the spirit of doing something I love, I better find the lead and get puppy out for a quick walk before bed.  She has been spoiled having a sick Ian at home keeping her company all day!!


Miss Dior – blooming bouquet.

I love almost all Dior fragrances. It’s like they are made just for me! Hehe




I always forget this.  I can get through entire weeks on auto pilot without doing something just for me and that I love!!  So that is one of my new missions… Project Love it!!

Today I bathed my puppy without getting leaped on from the bath.  Success!! And I got to dry her and brush her and give her treats for being so well behaved.  I loved that I got to spend an hour just us hanging out and bonding.  I am going to try and spend some time with her every night where we just sit and I brush her and we cuddle.  

I love beautiful fragrances.  I own quite a few but rarely think to wear them during the day.  I think perfume comes under a something special category in my head.  I’m taking it out of special and going to wear something amazing every day.  I always feel like smiling when I catch a beautiful scent – either something I am wearing that I forgot I put on, or on someone else that walks past and catches my nose hehe.  I talked to my friend at work about my plan today and she gave me a few samples of fragrances I haven’t tried before when I purchased my Marc Jacobs Daisy special edition.  I can’t wait to try them all out and let beautiful fragrance get me off to a happy day!

I was reading a magazine at the takeaway shop tonight and it had a list of 10 things to improve your life.  I don’t really take much notice of these kind of articles but there were 2 things I couldn’t really ignore.  The first was; “have more sex and you will grow more brain cells”.  I didn’t even bother to read the blurb under that heading – sold!! hehe.  But another one really caught my attention and made me decide I needed to do it… “kiss your partner more often and you will stress less”.  The stress less reason wasn’t why it struck me (although I am all for anything that reduces stress in my life!!), it was thinking that some days, because of our ships in the night kind of lifestyle, Ian and I can go a whole day without even a kiss goodbye!  That has to change.  We need little reminders sometimes that we are not just coexisting to take up space in our house, but that we are partners and together because we want to be.  Everyone should make time for kisses.

So that is the start of my Project Love.  Bring on a happy week ahead, followed by many more!!


I have just spent a wonderful few days with my family helping to celebrate my Grandparents’ 60th Wedding Anniversary.  The are such magical people and an inspiration to each of us I think.  It was great to catch up with various cousins and aunts and uncles, and especially my mum and my sister and her family.  My niece has grown into a young woman I barely recognise (Aussie accent and all hehe) and my step-niece is unrecognisable as the girl that left the country just over a year ago.  They are both a credit to my sister and her partner and it was so fun spending time with them.  They are still in the country but alas I have to head back to work so won’t get to see any more of them.  I am looking forward to hearing their stories of their trip though.

This holiday was supposed to help me relax and shake off some of the work blues I have been having lately and be ready to get back to it tomorrow. Unfortunately I got sick while I was away so the stress of that on top of the busy wonderful time I was having with my family hasn’t felt very relaxing! Luckily I have been able to spend a couple of days in bed just letting my body recover from its illness, so I am almost ready to get back to work.  

Ian as always has been my rock this last week. He was nervous about coming to meet most of my family in one go and then to have to look after me in my ill health, sometimes helping me stand through the pain, he was magic.  He even took Daisy with him to Wellington this weekend just so I could have some me time to get better before heading back to work.  I have to remember not to take him for granted.  I was very proud to have him standing beside me as part of my family.

Daisy dog is proving a wonder to me.  I missed her company while we were away on holiday.  Those big eyes and fluffy face have firmly stamped themselves on my heart.  We graduated puppy school last week.  I am going to miss going this week!  She is pro at sitting, lying down, and well anything that involves doing something for treats hehe.  We are still working on “stay” and “heel”.  It is also difficult trying to get her not to chase the cats.  It could be a lost cause but keep trying we will!  The cats are doing really well with her though.  They have both given her a smack on the nose when she has got too close.  Cosmos has taken to baiting Daisy by running past her so she chases her to the fence then sitting on it and looking down on her.  Rio is getting braver at sleeping on the floor next to her pen… when she is asleep anyway hehe.  Who needs kids?? These animals are hard enough work!!

So the diet and exercise plan has fallen on the back burner.  The gastroenteritis this last week hasn’t helped at all.  I am trying to make good choices with what I eat but I know that more and more junk has been sneaking its way into my diet.  At least the gastro has helped with that – I have cut dairy and caffeine out of my diet to try and help stop the pain!  Dairy will find its way back into my diet but I am going to get back into my herbal and fruit teas and stay off the coffee again.  I have a meeting with my coach on friday and we are going to put together a Suzy-proof plan to get me back in the gym and back on the healthy eating path.  I have kilos to lose! And I know that I am amazing at letting winter be an excuse for comfort food and couch cuddling!!  I am also going to get back into regular blogging and making myself accountable for my actions.

I am going to get out of this comfy hole I have been burrowing for the last month or two and get back to life!  I’ll keep you posted 😉