I have been terribly neglectful of my blog lately! I’m even in the 80s of my 100 days of happiness! Where is time going?!

So major update is that after numerous tests the specialist decided I do not have any form of Rheumatoid disease. Yay! However, he did not offer any explanation of why my joints are swelling like they are. You can imagine the tears when he told me to eat better, sleep well and exercise more, lose weight … Like I haven’t been trying to do all that around the pain.

I made a deal with myself to stay away from doctors and just concentrate on said suggestions for a month… Then my IBS flared alongside my glandular fever so I’m back at the doctor within 2 weeks. Then I find out my doctor is no longer at the practise and would I like to see someone else?! New doctor is thankfully as fabulous as old doctor and made me feel good about trying to sort stupid body out. He thinks my extended period of glandular fever is to blame for most things. And we are working on solutions for my stupid IBS prone tummy. I go back in a month.

So here I am thinking life is all fabulous and getting sorted, when I notice that I’m dreading going to work each day. That I am looking for excuses not to go when I know there is nothing for me to do. Turns out half my stress is because I no longer enjoy my current job! Who knew?! Throw that in on top of everything else and no wonder I have been getting sick again. So I’m actively looking at and applying for new jobs. This is also stressful as I am not the master of the cover letter. But practice makes perfect…

Last most important thing is that I am finally having some weight losses!! After putting on 10kg + in a month (!!!) I am finally starting to see it come off again! At present I have lost 3.4kg in 4 weeks. My first goal is to lose 8kg. Nearly halfway! I have also given up chocolate for October. I’m doing really well with that so its good to know I have some self discipline! I’m also back regularly at my gym, walking daily and trying to stick to my curves complete food plan.

And now I should sleep!

