Hold the applause!! I made it 5 whole days in a row at work!! And just one more to go before I get the weekend to chill in the sun!!

I’m feeling a bit smug about life too because I have had an excellent work week. Had a meeting and didn’t freak out, got an interesting discipline discussion (that still puzzles me), worked late and switched to early… and NO panic attacks!! I feel good!! But that time of the month is looming so I’m sure it will all feel worse in a couple of days hehe.

I have made an extended effort to connect with people this week. Lana and I took Daisy for a walk early in the week and stopped at my favourite coffee shop for a cuppa. Mine came served with a heart so obviously it was awesome…

I have been invited to a birthday party next weekend so I’m off to buy something to wear to it this weekend. It’s for a work friend so I’m jumping a little out of my comfort zone cos not sure how many people I will know there! I also need to flick my 8am start on Sunday to someone else haha or it will be a beer free night, and I feel like a beer…

I’ve been talking with my work girls lots (hi Zoe, Tanis, Terri, Tracey, Ellen, Chloe, and Roxy!!) and it’s had me thinking about all the amazing people I have met over the last 20 years. Huge shout out to those people that will always mean the world to me!! Like Suzy the first, Nicole, Candice, Ariana, Sophie, Jo, Jennie, Sue, Katherine, KL, Adrian, and the multitudes of others I just love keeping in touch with. Everyone I have met has had something awesome to contribute to my experience on the planet and for that I’m forever grateful.

A bit of news, I have an interview on Monday! It’s still with the same company but for a people facing job rather than on the phones. I applied for practice at applying because I didn’t think they would call me… But I’m super excited to meet with the recruitment team on Monday! I miss face to face interaction more than I thought I would. But I would also miss seeing my current team every day!! I’m so in the best team at my work hehe. So I’ll keep you posted on that one!

Daisy is huffing and sighing beside me because my music is on instead of our Scottish sleep man. Better head to sleepy land so I can get through tomorrow!!

Be kind to yourselves!!

Love and light xx