Archives for the month of: October, 2013

So I decided that today I need to get some goals sorted. I have some big ones.

1. Get off my medication!! I take a handful off pills every night. It’s time to change that. I want to get to a place where my weight isn’t impacting on my internal organs and their function.

2. Be less than 80kg at my sisters wedding in September 2014.

3. Walk Daisy every day for a minimum of 3km

4. Choose good food!!! Divorce myself from chocolate for a while… It won’t kill me. Honest. Really it won’t. Hehe

5. Find the good things in every day and learn from but not dwell on the bad things. I’m not going to get everything right every time but I deserve to have happy thoughts and remember them, not just rehash the bad things I can’t do anything about after the fact.

And those are what I am going to love my life by for the next 12 months. It’s time to get happy and healthy!!! And now that it’s written down I am more accountable for it. You guys will help with that! Can’t be disappointing my fans now can I?? Tee hee


Exercise motivation has got to be hiding around here somewhere. I just can’t find it!! Then again I might not be looking too hard…

I am finding that getting my move on is becoming more and more difficult.  I keep finding excuses and holding on to them nice and tight hehe. I have a sore heel that bothers me when I walk on it… but not usually until after I have been sitting around for a while. So instead of sitting down when I get home from work I could take puppy out for her walk straight away…. But that sounds too easy. “I’m too tired” is my other favourite one.  I know that once I get going for my walk I will enjoy it and even have some residual energy to burn when I get home! I always achieve more at home after a good walk.

Time to find some new excuses.  Ones that get me out of the house and moving!!

Puppy is an excellent excuse. She loves a walk and is always more manageable after a quick 5kms than without it.  She got me out for two 5km walks last week and tonight we are just home from a quick 3km walk.  She is now passed out on the floor while I am busy typing away.  Evidence right there that walks are good for both of us!

Walking Daisy

Walking Daisy

My ballooning weight is also another good excuse to get moving (though it also fits nicely into the “I’m too tired” excuse because I don’t want to lug it around!!).  I have had success with walking to help lose weight in the past, and I also have this wonderful gym that I have been neglecting for the last 8 weeks or so.  Time to get back in those doors!  My first workout for weeks is down for tomorrow afternoon.  I might need a few days to recover from it but I have to start back somewhere!

Really I should just hire someone to chase me.  Surely that would get me moving?!


Hello world!!! I’m back!! hehe

Finally I am starting to feel more like myself again.  For the first time in MONTHS!! I feel good!! And it is all because I have been more active again.  I finally worked a 40 hour week last week and felt great! I have spent the last 2 days in rest mode as my body is packing a little sad and doesn’t want me moving around.  But on my weekend I managed two 5 km walks with Daisy and I have been sleeping like a dream!

This week I am all about planning to get my life out of sleep mode and back on track.  Plans from sorting out my finances to be able to include saving for a trip to Oz next year, to exercise plans, to food plans, to sort my house out again plans! It is so great to feel that spark of motivation again.

I bought myself a new toy last week.  It is a Fitbit Flex.  I wear it on my wrist and it tracks my steps (not accurately as its taking my arm movements but still..), my active minutes, my calories burnt, I can input what I eat, my weight loss goals, and most interesting to me is it monitors my sleep.  Its fascinating to see how many minutes I am restless during the night and how much genuine sleep I am getting.  Already it is a motivating factor to get me moving and wearing myself out enough to sleep.  I am looking forward to watching my stats improve. 

I am also doing some research on intermittent fasting.  I watched the Eat Fast and Live Longer documentary last week and it sparked my interest.  I then bought the book and am about halfway through it.  I am hoping to look into doing the 5:2 diet in conjunction with my Curves meal plans to get back on track with my health and weight loss.  I will do a more thorough post about the Fast diet when I have finished the book and looked into the plans.

Well its nearly my bed time so I had better get ready for my sleep! I’m looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow and having the energy to enjoy the day and my walk with puppy after work!!


I was watching a woman at a cafe the other day. She walked in briskly and ordered her coffee to go. She then sat at a table outside and lit a cigarette. That first pull on her smoke visibly relaxed her. It was a complete change of body language from only seconds before. It that one second where her craving was satisfied it didn’t matter what else was going on around her, she was complete in that moment. Watching her in that moment I wanted to be her. To feel that kind of peace where in that one moment everything is right with the world. I guess that happens to anybody when satisfying a craving or an addiction. Sometimes it’s like that for me with depression.

I wake up some mornings and instead of fighting it I greet depression like an old friend, like a drug I have been craving but been denied for so long. It’s a blanket, familiar and comfortable. Some days it’s too hard to see the sunshine and so much easier to hide in the clouds. It takes effort to feel good and be positive when then blanket of depression is wrapped around me. So I wallow. The longer I wallow the harder it becomes to break out. The deeper it gets the harder it is to admit that I am struggling. I don’t like to admit weakness. I want to be strong all the time and put that face to the world.

I hate asking for help. There are others far worse off than me so why worry anyone else with my trivial problems. I don’t want to be a burden on anyone else. I’m a strong independent modern woman… But I’m not. Not always.

This past week I have been bottling things up again. Usually I can talk to my partner about everything and he helps me shake that comfort zone. But I don’t want to tell him that I am hurting and lonely and that I struggle spending so much time on my own. It’s not his burden to carry. I don’t want to tell him that it’s hard for me when he spends our weekend time together playing on his computer and shutting me out. That’s his relax time. I can’t take that from him just because I want his attention. I don’t want to admit that while I love Daisy so so much and wouldn’t be without her, sometimes her company alone is not enough. It makes me feel selfish getting upset about such little things. And then I obsess about how selfish I am. And the spiral of negative thoughts and deepening sadness continues until it explodes in tears and I am forced to confront it.

It’s a stressful way of life. But it’s the familiar. Working to be free of it requires the intensity of what I can imagine kicking a cocaine addiction would be (only from watching it in the movies Mum!). Days of sweating it out, craving the comfort of darkness where you are certain you are going to fail anyway so what is the point of trying to do anything about it, needing to ask for help but so desperately not wanting to see other people or for them to see you like this. Is it any wonder wallowing is such an easy looking option?

At the moment you could also interchange the word illness with depression in all of the above. Is it really that hard to see why I struggle to get out of bed every day? But I do it. I have to. One foot in front of the other every day to get through. Baby steps. I just need help remembering that if I need to I can lean on someone else to help me through the muddy bits.